Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in SCI (TRACK-SCI)

Study Summary

In the first prospective multicenter spinal cord injury (SCI) trial at UCSF, we seek to correlate high-density physiology data, clinical exam scores including the International Standard for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) motor and sensory assessment, surgical procedures, and intensive cer unite medications with baseline risk factors, imaging parameters, and blood-based biomarkers for a comprehensive approach to SCI diagnosis during acute care as well as prognosis across subacute and chronic phases of recovery -- in order to truly step toward the advancement of research and clinical knowledge in SCI.


Study Sites

  • University of California, San Francisco: Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital 
  • University of California, San Francisco: Fresno Community Regional Medical Center
  • Ohio State University: Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
  • University of Washington: Harborview Medical Center
  • University of Utah: University of Utah Hospital



What is involved?

  • Access to the patient's hospitalization records for the SCI visit.
  • Up to 4 blood draws during the patient's hospitalization. 
  • ISNCSCI motor and sensory assessments conducted at key timepoints during the patient's hospital stay. 
  • 3 month follow up phone call to answer outcome measures.
  • 6 and 12 month in-person visits to answer outcome measures, conduct motor and sensory exam, and draw additional blood.

Who can participate?

  • All acute, traumatic spinal cord injury patients at any level of injury
  • > 18 years 
  • Individuals who are pregnant, in-custody, or have health issues that would impede participation can not participate in this study.